Thursday, March 19, 2009

It Burned Like A Fire;This Burning Desire

This weekend is devoted to my school projects, let me tell you. Tomorrow night, I am working on my Latin festival projects; Still have no idea what to do with the art project part :/
Saturday, I am having my island partners come over to my house to create an island. My honors earth/space science class has to participate in an island project contest, where we all have to make an accurate scaled model of the island we chose. I was in a group with like five people, but now it's just Davis, Jacob, and me. So, for the next few Saturdays, because that's the only day we can all get together, this is what we will be doing.....
We've chosen to make this:(coral atoll...this picture really does it no justice :/)

Hopefully it's like....EPIC!!!
Dang, I am a super nerd :P



Hannah said...

Sounds like my life. All I do is work. hahaha.

I'll have to double check to see if I can come, but since I don't have to do the project, it would be kind of pointless. haha

♥Jamie! said...

Hi :)
Thanks for following me.
I don't have time to look at your blog right now, I don't really even have time to write this, but I thought I should!
I will be back though! At first glance it looks good :)

dani said...

and it burns, burns, burns...
this ring of fire...
this ring of fire!!!
oh, wait!!!
wrong song???

Amanda said...

I hope you will let us see the finished result!
Try to have a good weekend (even though you have a bit of school work to do)
Amanda x

Shea said...

Sounds fun [:
I'm always best at the artsy part of a project. Not the part where it's all educational and stuff xD

Natalie said...

That sounds like an interesting project! I bet the final product will be fantastic :D It looks gorgeous in the photo!