Monday, March 16, 2009

Lights Will Guide You Home And Ignite Your Bones.

Today was the beginning of dance. I must say that I did pretty well :D
We learned how to do the waltz, which I surprisingly caught onto really quickly!!

Also, one of my bestfriend's little brother, Sam, was on Ellen Degeneres today! My mom video taped the part where he was on spinning pizza dough.

(sorry about the quality :/)

OH!OH!OH! I am going to competition with my Latin class for the annual language festival.
I am participating in these three events:
art projects

We had to pick three to go, so I picked the three easiest ones. The drawing shouldn't be too hard to do, because I can actually draw pretty well. I have no idea what art project I am going to do, but we are allowed to have partners; so Chico is going to be my partner.
The problem is.....what the heck am i going to make for a costume?????
If you have any ideas, please feel FREE to tell me :D



Hannah said...

Aweh, Sam's so sweet :)

You could do a replica of the Roman Forum for your art project. Or, if that's too hard, just pick a monument or so. Like...the Via Sacra ;P


Oh, and Katherine, even I can do the waltz :P

Amanda said...

Sam is becoming famous! I saw that he was on T.V (in N.Y.C) on a clip on Dana's blog.
Good luck with the costume making ~ sorry that I'm no help to you !

Amanda x

Shea said...

That's so cool that he was on Ellen! :D

And you appear to be catching onto your dancing easily. I, on the other hand, am athletically impaired. I swear. So I basically fail at dancing :(

Natalie said...

That's so cool about him being on Ellen! He has quite a talent for pizza twirling, that's incredible :D

Great job with your dance class, I'm sure you'll be a pro in no time! And good luck with the Latin class festival thing. I have no idea what you could make for a costume... hopefully it'll all work out :)